President Erdoğan visits TRNC, keeps state traditions and bolsters cooperation at the turn of "Century of Türkiye"

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan started his post-election state visits last week, prioritizing the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) and Azerbaijan. These trips have significance for Turkic states and the Republic of Türkiye’s second-century plans.

President Erdoğan visited TRNC and Azerbaijan last week, promoting the ties between Turkic states.

According to Turkish state customs, TRNC is the first destination for newly elected Presidents at the start of their tenure.

Consequently, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan conducted his first visit to Northern Nicosia, where an official ceremony led by his counterpart Ersin Tatar greeted him.

The duo held a joint press conference and expressed the urgent need for global recognition of Turkish Cypriots.

President Erdoğan said, “Despite the Turkish Cypriots’ efforts, more than half a century has been wasted due to the uncompromising and maximalist approaches of the Greek side.”

Thanking TRNC officials for their hospitality, President Erdoğan went on to add, “No one can afford to lose yet another 50 years. The affirmation of equal international status and sovereign equality of the Turkish Cypriots, which are their vested rights, is a sine qua non for us.”

He also emphasized the Türkiye’s will to defend TRNC’s rights, stating: “Despite all this, we as a guarantor country have always prioritized dialogue … The peace and security of our brothers and sisters on the island is no different than our peace and security. We, as the motherland, stand with the TRNC with all our means and capabilities.”

President Erdoğan made remarks on the Eastern Mediterranean dispute and TRNC’s hydrocarbon rights as a state as well.

TRNC’s recognition is substantial for several factors, most serving the well-being of the island’s indigenous people.

The current situation leads to a state of deprivation for the citizens of the TRNC as countries apply embargoes to prevent trade with the Northern Nicosia government.

The challenges also cause a diplomatic hollow for TRNC citizens, as their passports are not recognized anywhere but Türkiye.

Ankara issues Turkish passports to the Northern Cypriots to solve this humanitarian problem, albeit this crisis will linger on until global de jure recognition takes place.


“Brother country” Azerbaijan received the second visit of the first tour from President Erdoğan.

Azerbaijani delegation, under İlham Aliyev’s lead, welcomed President Erdoğan with similar hospitality.

The Presidents held a press meeting after their one-on-one session in which issues of high significance were discussed.

President Erdoğan drew attention to the Zangezur issue, asserting that swiftly solving it would contribute extensively to the bilateral relations between Ankara and Baku.

“A swift settlement of the Zangezur issue will win us two crucial gains. Taking steps about the highway and the railway will enable a much stronger connection between Türkiye and Nakhchivan, between Iğdır and Nakhchivan. The establishment of such linkages will also help build much stronger relations between Türkiye and Azerbaijan,” President Erdoğan remarked.

President Erdoğan stressed the significance of roads in civilization and praised the development achieved in Azerbaijan over the last two decades.

The leaders also mentioned the planned cooperation in fields such as higher education, energy, the defense industry, agriculture, and transportation.

President Erdoğan also spoke on Shusha, saying, “We are ready to open our Consulate General in Shusha whenever you wish. If our Consulate General in Shusha can be opened, this will be a message to the whole world, especially to Armenia.”


The Republic of Türkiye will commemorate its centennial this year, marking the entry to its second century.

There are massive projects to start the second century on the right foot, focusing on new, high-end technologies; green energy investments; increasing employment; quality of life improvements for youth; and much more.

The new age is to see Türkiye play a more active role on the regional and global stage as well.

The novel developments will concentrate on Turkic states, too, as President Erdoğan made clear with a post on his social media account.

In a Twitter post, he said: “God willing, ‘Türkiye Century’ will also be ‘Turkic World’s Century’”

He mentioned a growing collaboration in various areas including energy, trade, and security. These partnerships will continue to progress with the Turkic nations, particularly with Baku.

Speaker of the Northern Cyprus Assembly of the Republic, Zorlu Töre, commented on President Erdoğan’s visit to the Island and spoke identically.

Töre, in his interview with an Anadolu Agency correspondent, said, “In this century, we will see the rise of Turkey, TRNC, and the Turkic world. The pioneer and leader of this will be Mr. President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.”

TRNC’s participation as an observer in the Organization of Turkic States (OTS), a regional organization of Turkic countries, indicates empowered collaboration between the Turkic Republics.

Mansur Ali Bilgiç - 20/06/2023